Fighting Churn With Data

  • Are you worried about increasing customer churn due to the economic downturn in 2023?
  • Got data about your customers but don’t know what to do with it?
  • Turn your data into ammunition for targeted engagement campaigns and anti-churn interventions!

An entire book about customer churn and retention!

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Fighting Churn With Data Cover


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What is the churn book about?

Fighting Churn with Data is the the book by Carl Gold, PhD. The book is based on his experiences as Chief Data Scientist at Zuora (NYSE: ZUO) using data science techniques to reduce churn in subscription services.

Churn is the bane of subscription products and channels. Data Scientists, machine learning engineers and analysts are often called to the rescue in helping companies understand what causes subscribers to churn, what is predictive of churn, and what can be done to reduce it.

There are many examples of churn available in benchmark data sets. But analyzing churn in the real world is fraught with challenges and pitfalls. Fighting churn with data begins with constructing a data set combining multiple raw data sources. The fight only ends when the findings are communicated to field representatives in a way that allows them to actually reduce churn.

That’s right  – an AI system alone doesn’t cut it when churn is at stake: To reduce churn you need to communicate the result to the non-technical crowd!    But don’t worry: The book and this site will cover every phase of the process, including the most dangerous pitfalls and case studies illustrating common findings.  The information here will allow anyone with only a modest data analysis background to get churn analysis right the first time.

Book about churn
Book about churn